
Zeila Santos-Schappelle

Zip Code94109

Led by a black woman, Brigadeiro Sprinkles company was founded in 2017 by Zeila when she decided to share her love for chocolate creations and her culture.

Our exquisite Brigadeiros are delicious, creative and a different way to celebrate a special occasion.

Brigadeiro is a composition of Milk, Sugar, a good quality of real butter, raw cacao powder and only the finest Belgian Chocolate. There are different flavors and variations. It is a mix between a caramel and a truffle. Handcrafted chocolate made in small batch with local ingredients.

Brigadeiro is the most beloved the desert from Brazil and it's a symbol of happiness and family good times. We serve brigadeiros in all celebrations (weddings, birthday parties, holidays). It's always made it to order, fresh, individually hand rolled.

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